fluffypurr cattery
The name fixed in the 20th century when there appeared the first representatives of this breed. The USA and Great Britain are considered the homeland of Persian chinchillas. But except the name the Persian chinchillas have nothing in common with the rodent of the same name. The fur coat of these cats resembles more of a silver fox, light at the bottom and dark at the end. The dark hairs are mostly on the head, back and tail.
That is why it seems that the cat fur has been covered by a beautiful veil that makes it glare and glitter.
Persian chinchillas have different types: silver, golden, light blue, purple, chocolate (depending on the undercoat). At our kennel there have been represented chinchilla, shaded silver and shaded golden.
They stand out for their big emerald green eyes with black circles around them. A similar circle can be found around lips, on the nose and the paw pads. The Persian chinchilla has been justly considered one of the most beautiful cat breeds. Thanks to its beauty this animal often proves to be the winner at cat shows.
fluffypurr cattery
My name is Larisa Berkhan and I am glad that you are visiting the website of Persian cats called “Fluffypurr”, the owner of which I am. Our kennel is situated in Tallinn, the capital of the Republic of Estonia. It has been registered in WCF in 2016 (registration number 11176-2016) and is the member of “SELENE TIGER” club. The kennel specializes in the breeding of Persian cats with chinchilla shade.
Love towards those gorgeous cats arose in 1999 when a wonderful creature called Velena showed up in our household. Since then the splendid chinchilla shade Persian cats have been our favourites. All our pets are loved, surrounded by care and attention being the full-fledged members of our family. The target of our cat kennel is to develop healthy animals that comply with the maximum breed standard, but also the search for the best hosts to our cats.
If you, like me, love this exquisite breed or have not yet got acquainted to it but would like to own an amazing purebred Persian chinchilla cat, please contact us.